Monday, February 3, 2020
5:30 PM
City Council Chamber
VIDEOI.Call to Order
1.Roll Call
2.Pledge of Allegiance
VIDEOII.Appearance of Citizens
Policy relative to Appearance of Citizens:
A 15 minute time period is provided for citizens to appear and express their views before the City Council. Each citizen who appears will be limited to 3 minutes. No immediate response will be given by City Council or City staff members. Citizens are to give their documents to the Police Officer for distribution to the Council.
VIDEOIII.Approval of Minutes
VIDEOApproval of Minutes of January 21, 2020 City Council Meeting
IV.Unfinished Business
V.New Business
VIDEO1.Proclamations and Recognitions
VIDEO2.Motion Adopting City Council Policies
VIDEO3.Resolution Adding Territory to the Decatur Macon County Enterprise Zone - Decatur Orthopedic Center, LLC
VIDEO4.Resolution Approving a Grant Agreement between the Illinois Department of Transportation-Hike/Bike Off-Road Trail System
VIDEO5.Resolution Authorizing an Indefeasable Right Of Use Agreement and Associated Sales Order with the Central Illinois Regional Dispatch Center to Obtain Dark Fiber from the City of Decatur Fiber Network
VIDEO6.Ordinance Annexing Territory Entirely Surrounded by the City Limits-Lot South of 389 West Grove Road
VIDEO7.Ordinance Annexing Territory Entirely Surrounded by the City Limits-5464 North Oakland Avenue
VIDEO8.Ordinance Annexing Territory Entirely Surrounded by the City Limits-3820 East Garfield Avenue
VIDEO9.Ordinance Annexing Territory Entirely Surrounded by the City Limits-Lot 23 Feet East of 4140 East Hickory Street, Lot North of 1285 Nickey Avenue
VIDEO10.Ordinance Annexing Territory Entirely Surrounded by the City Limits-North Moffet Avenue-West Marietta Street-North Moffet Lane
VIDEO11.Ordinance Annexing Territory Entirely Surrounded by the City Limits-Boiling Springs Road-Las Vegas Drive-Desert Inn Road-Sands Drive
VIDEO12.Consent Calendar: Items on the Consent Agenda/Calendar are matters requiring City Council approval or acceptance, but which are routine and recurring in nature, are not controversial, are matters of limited discretion, and about which little or no discussion is anticipated. However, staff’s assessment of what should be included on the Consent Agenda/Calendar can be in error. For this reason, any Consent Agenda/Calendar item can be removed from the Consent Agenda/Calendar by any member of the governing body, for any reason, without the need for concurrence by any other governing body member. Items removed from the Consent Agenda/Calendar will be discussed and voted on separately from the remainder of the Consent Agenda/Calendar.
VIDEOA.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2340 West Ash Avenue
VIDEOB.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2481 Captain Lane
VIDEOC.Ordinance Annexing Territory 3626 Catherine Street
VIDEOD.Ordinance Annexing Territory 3909 West Division Street
VIDEOE.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2073 Solar Avenue
VIDEOF.Ordinance Annexing Territory 1950 North Sunnyside Road
VIDEOG.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2255 Thunderbird Drive
VIDEOH.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2315 Thunderbird Drive
VIDEOI.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2991 North Westlawn Avenue
VIDEOJ.Resolution Indicating Intent to Annex an Unincorporated Territory, Setting Hearing to Consider Such Annexation, and Directing Publication of Hearing Notice-Captain Lane, Wilcox Lane, Sullivan Drive
VIDEOK.Resolution Indicating Intent to Annex an Unincorporated Territory, Setting Hearing to Consider Such Annexation, and Directing Publication of Hearing Notice-2324 Dunes Drive
VIDEOL.Resolution Indicating Intent to Annex an Unincorporated Territory, Setting Hearing to Consider Such Annexation, and Directing Publication of Hearing Notice-Las Vegas Drive, Desert Inn Road, Sands Drive
VIDEOM.Resolution Indicating Intent to Annex an Unincorporated Territory, Setting Hearing to Consider Such Annexation, and Directing Publication of Hearing Notice-4115 North Doneta Avenue AKA 4115 Doneta Avenue, 4116 North Doneta AKA 4116 Doneta Avenue
VIDEON.Resolution Approving Reappointments - Electrical Commission
VIDEOO.Resolution Approving Appointment - Electrical Commission
VIDEOP.Resolution Authorizing Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Decatur and the County of Macon
VIDEOVI.Other Business
VIDEOCouncil Information - Lake Decatur Watershed Protection Program - 4th Quarter 2019 Report
VIDEOCouncil Information - Lake Decatur Watershed Protection Program - FY 2019 Report