Tuesday, January 21, 2020
5:30 PM
City Council Chamber
VIDEOI.Call to Order
1.Roll Call
2.Pledge of Allegiance
VIDEOII.Appearance of Citizens
Policy relative to Appearance of Citizens:
A 15 minute time period is provided for citizens to appear and express their views before the City Council. Each citizen who appears will be limited to 3 minutes. No immediate response will be given by City Council or City staff members. Citizens are to give their documents to the Police Officer for distribution to the Council.
VIDEOIII.Approval of Minutes
VIDEOApproval of Minutes of December 30, 2019 Special City Council Meeting and January 6, 2020 City Council Meeting
IV.Unfinished Business
V.New Business
VIDEO1.Proclamations and Recognitions
VIDEO2.Treasurer's Financial Report
VIDEO3.An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2019 Series B Bonds
VIDEO4.Ordinance Amending the Adopted Appropriation Ordinance of Monies for the Purpose of Defraying the Expenses for Certain Funds of the City of Decatur, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2019
VIDEO5.Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of 3925 East Logan Street for the Improvement of Brush College Road Over Faries Parkway and the Norfolk Southern Railroad Tracks City Project 2009-33 Section 09-00933-01-BR
VIDEO6.Resolution Authorizing Amendment #1 to the Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for the Relocation of Utilities and the Purchase of Right of Way for the Improvement of Brush College Road over Faries Parkway and the Norfolk Southern Railroad Tracks, City Project 2009-33 Section 09-00933-01-BR
VIDEO7.Resolution Authorizing a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with WHKS & Co., to Perform Bridge Design Services for the Center Street / Steven’s Creek Bridge (SN 058-3061), City Proejct 2019-04, Section No. 19-00904-00-BR
VIDEO8.Resolution to Approve Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement and Appropriate Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Center Street / Steven's Creek Bridge (SN 058-3061) City Project 2019-04 Section No. 19-00904-00-BR
VIDEO9.Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Macon County Soil and Water Conservation District for Lake Decatur Watershed Conservation Services
VIDEO10.Ordinance Rezoning Property From M-2 Heavy Industrial District to M-1 Intense Commercial-Light Industrial District 1975 East Pershing Road
VIDEO11.Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance Section XI. B-1 Neighborhood Shopping District Section XII. B-2 Commercial District
VIDEO12.Ordinance Rezoning Property From R-3 Single Family Residence District to B-2 Commercial District 2710 North Water Street
VIDEO13.Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in the B-2 Commercial District to Allow for a School: Public, Parochial or Private 2710 North Water Street
VIDEO14.Ordinance Rezoning Property From B-2 Commercial District to R-3 Single Family Residence District 3434 East Wabash Avenue
VIDEO15.Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance Section III. Districts and Boundaries Thereof & Section XIX. PD Planned Development District
VIDEO16.Consent Calendar: Items on the Consent Agenda/Calendar are matters requiring City Council approval or acceptance, but which are routine and recurring in nature, are not controversial, are matters of limited discretion, and about which little or no discussion is anticipated. However, staff’s assessment of what should be included on the Consent Agenda/Calendar can be in error. For this reason, any Consent Agenda/Calendar item can be removed from the Consent Agenda/Calendar by any member of the governing body, for any reason, without the need for concurrence by any other governing body member. Items removed from the Consent Agenda/Calendar will be discussed and voted on separately from the remainder of the Consent Agenda/Calendar.
VIDEOA.Ordinance Annexing Territory 3841 West Center Street
VIDEOB.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2239 Frontier Road
VIDEOC.Ordinance Annexing Territory 4160 McClain Drive
VIDEOD.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2340 South Taylorville Road
VIDEOE.Ordinance Annexing Territory 2240 Thunderbird Drive
VIDEOF.Ordinance Annexing Territory 3130 North Westlawn Avenue
VIDEOG.Ordinance Annexing Territory 4168 North Woodlawn Avenue
VIDEOH.Receiving and Filing of Minutes of Boards and Commissions
VIDEOI.Resolution Authorizing Consulting Services Agreement - Ann L. Schneider & Associates, LLC
VIDEOVI.Other Business
VIDEOMonthly Reports for December 2019