Item Coversheet
Information Technology






Honorable Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe and City Council


Scot Wrighton, City Manager

James Edwards, Director Information Technology Department

SUBJECT:  Authorization for Mayor to enter into an Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) Agreement and associated Sales Order with the Central Illinois Regional Dispatch Center (CIRDC) to obtain Dark (unlit) Fiber from the City of Decatur Fiber Network.  
SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached resolution, authorizing the Mayor to execute a 20-year Indefeasible Right of Use Agreement and associated Sales Order with the CIRDC to provide two strands of Dark Fiber between the Law Enforcement Center (LEC) and the MSC Tower location at 2600 N Jasper Street. 

This IRU Agreement gives the CIRDC the right to use two strands of City Fiber between the LEC and the MSC Tower location for an initial term of 20 years.  The IRU Agreement further demands up-front payment for the right to use these dark fibers in addition to a fiber maintenance fee paid annually.  CIRDC is paying to splice and use the fiber only, no electronics is provided in this agreement. 


No fiber construction is required for this project.  Splicing work will start when the IRU Agreement is signed by both Parties, received, and filed by the City of Decatur.  City Staff anticipates turning the fiber over to the CIRDC on or before February 17th, 2020. This action is also in accordance with the City Council's desire to expand and enlarge the use of the city's broadband network.

PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION:  City Council has approved CIRDC use of City Fiber in the past to provide communication paths which make its dispatch service more efficient and effective. 
INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES:  None anticipated 
STAFF REFERENCE:  Jim Edwards, IT Director, 450-2236 
BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS:  Revenue from the CIRDC demanded by this IRU Agreement is a one-time payment to the City of $10,314 for its first year of use and a reoccurring fiber maintenance fee of $324 annually thereafter.  City Staff anticipates turning the fiber over to the CIRDC on or before February 17th, 2020. 
ResolutionResolution Letter
Fiber Service OrderBackup Material